The years 2014-2015 have been successful ones for Siloso Beach Resort. In addition to having a relatively stable business while going through an economic downturn in the sector, we have also made great progress in our journey towards sustainability. While some existing initiatives have been reinforced such as our strong as ever eco tour (over 10,000 attendees reached, exceeding our most optimistic targets) and the development of new ones such as our partnerships with the Singapore Science Centre, various secondary schools or Nexus for our new carbon offset options.
I am very proud to mention that our continuous push for environmental and social efforts has been further recognized through new remarkable awards and recognitions of which the PUB Honorary Water Mark Award (we are the first company to receive this honour). We have been further recognized for our social initiatives through the Community-In-Bloom Platinum Award and the Enabling Employer Awards. While we are please to receive such appreciation for specific sustainability efforts, these awards will also contribute in motivating our company to continue on our current sustainable development path and offer unique opportunities to raise awareness on the need for businesses to adopt a more sustainable path.
It is clear that SBR fully adheres to the commitments, initiatives and principles of the UN Global Compact and that we will unconditionally continue to do so in the years ahead. SBR has taken a number of practical actions to implement the Global Compact principles:
Human Rights
We have always been following the UN Global Compact ten principles including on human rights. SBR has never had any infringement of these principles and we intend to keep it this way. Going beyond just adhering to these principles we actually have put into place a range of practices that help to raise awareness on stronger human right policies especially with regards to social employment and supporting a range of social community events.
We have reinforced and implemented a number of measures which make us a more responsible employer. Some initiatives include new work life balance programs for the staff, continuing our efforts to employ people with disabilities (in 2015 our employment of PWD remains strong with 12% of our workforce that falls under this category), improvement of facilities and systems for safety, staff usage and comfort. For instance our kitchen area has been specifically modified and we have installed safety fences on our rooftop garden.
Managing Director's Message
As always our commitment to environmental causes remains strong. While we have continued with existing strong measures and programs we also have developed new initiatives. Some include special classes on various environmental topics for hotel eco tour guests or supporting a range of environmental causes and events (e.g. The Singapore CSR Compact Annual Gathering). SBR will put more emphasis on the benefits of energy saving through passive design rather than technology for instance, by showcasing our roof top garden as a case study. This year we have implemented a very unique system in this part of the world that makes use of our swimming pool as a central cooling mechanism. This system saves significant amounts of energy in the process. We are now actively promoting this practice to our stakeholders with the objective of promoting positive change.
SBR has never had any case of corruption. We have put in place all the proper measures to avoid such including regular third party external audits and transparency in financial information through reporting initiatives. One of the major upgrades in the upcoming year will be to expand on the service offerings.
We have reached most of our targets set in our previous report (refer to annex) and have set ourselves new targets for the year ahead that will be even more challenging.
We are proud to see a continuous improvement from our last report which showcases that our initiatives are not short-term efforts but have been constantly developing and growing.
I look forward to reporting on our progress next year and our continuous support to the UN Global Compact.
Kelvin Ng
Managing Director
Siloso Beach Resort