Process for Defining Report Content
GRI 4.0 Guidelines
Focus Area
This report covers all indicators highlighted in GRI 4.0 guidelines. SBR wishes to be fully transparent in reporting the information which we are willing to publicly share in the hope that it may inspire other organisations in the hospitality field or others.
As an eco-resort, the environment is important to us and therefore we have chosen to give it a particular attention. The story of SBR is unique especially with regards to the initiatives which have been taken to preserve the environment on site and to spread awareness on environmental issues.
However, as we do adopt an integrated sustainable business concept, we also take into consideration economic and social aspects, which are also reported.
This report is targeted at all our stakeholders.
A list of stakeholders is given in G4-24.
We define the content to include in the sustainability report on 2 basis
The guidelines provided by the GRI 4.0 which acts as a backbone to structuring the report. While certain elements are compulsory, others are left open and it is up to the sustainability committee to decide weather to include option reporting indicators depending on our needs, objectives and status of information currently available for these indicators.
This report is not just a sustainability report following established guidelines but importantly a story of SBR from its inception to present retracing the story of this unique business on its journey towards sustainability. Because of this, there are many elements of the report which go much beyond the needs of the reporting framework.
Material Aspects Identified
The materiality chart identifies areas of priorities which help shape the reporting content and the specific material aspects.
Of course as a business, our priorities are not only towards the environment. The below highlights a bigger picture of our priorities:
Through various surveys and internal discussions the below profile of materiality for the organization emerged. While all aspects listed below are important to SBR and its stakeholders, we can within this shortlist assign areas of importance based on the compilation of both SBR’s as well as stakeholders preferences.
• Economic: It is probably surprising to most people that SBR does not see marketing or financial profit as its top priority. SBR has always been more of a social enterprise rather than a for profit business. It is important for SBR that its business is self-sustaining and from a financial point of view the hotel has been doing reasonably well since it started business which can be seen as a good example that a business applying sustainability practices can also do well financially.
• Environment: As an eco-resort, the environment is a top priority, thus almost all aspects were included.
• Social: It is not surprising that as a hotel, guest satisfaction, safety, and employment rank high. Many other important social aspects were not included in the assessment, as they are already well regulated in Singapore, and thus were not a significant concern to SBR or its stakeholders. These include aspects related compulsory labor, collective bargaining, anti-competitive behavior, public policy, child labor, and indigenous rights.
Boundary of Report
As a single site operated business, boundaries of the report are clearly defined:
The report covers single operations of Siloso Beach Resort in Sentosa Island.
Specific limitations on the scope or boundary of the report:
This report intends to cover all areas of environment, social and economic aspects of the organisation and to report on all key indicators according to the guidelines of GRI 4.0. There are no specific limitations.
Basis for Reporting
Regarding Joint Ventures, Subsidiaries, Leased Facilities, Outsourced Operations, & Other Entities that can Significantly Affect Comparability From Period to Period and/or Between Organizations.
SBR is not involved in joint ventures nor does it have any other subsidiaries.
Outsource operations are mentioned throughout the report and are considered part of our sustainability efforts (i.e. Siloso Beach Resort is selective with regards to its outsourced operation/contactors with a consideration for sustainability practices).
Explanation of the Effect & Reason of Any Re-Statements of Information
This is SBR’s fourth sustainability report. There are no re-statements.
Significant Changes from Previous Reporting Periods
In the Scope, Boundary, or Measurement Methods Applied in the Report
This is the fourth sustainability report. We have changed from GRI 3.1 to GRI 4.0 in the current report.
By upgrading our report to the latest international guidelines, we are more in line with the global trends and able to keep up with stakeholders expectations. While the content remains similar than in our previous reports, the overall upgrade is more structured and some sections are more detailed than before.